Sunday, July 7, 2013

Michigan Vacation Snapshots

Sunset at Arcadia Beach Night of Supermoon.

Supermoon over the lake.


Point Betsy





Green Point

Charlevoix Mushroom House






Charlevoix Bridge

Lake Michigan

I was on vacation last week of June & I have lots of finished projects to take photos of. My work hours have increased & the rain have partially conspired to delay good lighting for photos...
Between picking the raspberries (red & black), the blueberries, snow peas, staking the tomatoes, weeding, & prepping for work I'll try to squeeze in some photos. I'm going to need to start looking for a new camera because the battery case keeps exploding open (it's located on the side where the photo button is so it's hard not to hold the camera in place without putting pressure on it) & I've about gotten fed up. My next step is duct tape : )

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