Thursday, August 2, 2012

Newborn Calf & Momma

Went to the State Fair last Saturday & was lucky enough to see this little guy's first steps...

I have lots more blurry animal photos but Mom's the one with cool fair shots...
We rode on the cross-fair high tramway which has seats a bit like a Ferris Wheel but with a sunshade and travels over all the food wagons, trees, and some of the games on a zipline type thing (slowly, with some stopping and swaying; not my favorite moments). 
But I'm not at all comfortable with hights, so I was clinging to the bar and trying desperately not to loose my shoes (I was wearing flip flops & I imagine it's frowned upon to startle people with flying shoes).

The exhibits were fun to visit & all the barns were vastly amusing : )

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