Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Handspun Singles...

Do you remember this? It was still on the spindle the last time you saw it and I counldn't figure out how to ply it without just guessing how much I'd spun and truthfully made me feel a bit dizzy to recreate until I watched a tutorial by theknitgirllls on how to ply a single back on itself with a wheel.
Turns out it's the same concept with a drop spindle just a smidge trickier.

So this is before it was tied, bathed, and thwacked.

This is everything all plyed and wound into mini skeins.
For reference that's the spindle whorl above.

The grey is just some wool roving which was on clearance by Hobby Lobby for needle felting.
It was a bit overspun but I like how fluffy it got after its bath & thwack.
Lots of instant gratification.

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